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This was a very fun article to write. I compared the pros and cons of the three main methods of reading. At the end of each section, I polled some of my peers and teachers about their preferences.

This is a feature on the history of my high school. It involved both research and interviews. The research was a little tricky becuase I found some conflicting information from different sources.

I'm very proud of this piece. I discovered this guy on Facebook, thought it was a super interesting story, and was able to reach out to him for an interview over text. I love conducting interviews, and this was a fun one to do.

This was my first of a series of features of staff members at my high school. I got lots of positive feedback, with the subject of the piece even printing it out and putting it on his classroom wall.

This piece was revelant to my high school's fall musical, which was Wizard of Oz. I love the muscial Wicked, and wanted to share how it was different but still connected to the classic Wizard of Oz story.

Last summer, I interned for the KC Going Places magazine. This is one of my favorite articles I wrote during that internship. I don't usually write reviews for anything besides books, so it was different.

This is another feature about a teacher at my high school. This one is about one of the math teachers who has her own wedding photography business. It's an interesting endeavor that I didn't think many students knew about, and I wanted to highlight it.

The idea of "generations," how they are defined, and what shared social behaviors come with them is interesting to me, so I wanted to dive deeper into that. This article is part researched information, part personal input from myself and other people at my high school. It was a fun one to work on.

Tipping culture in America has become a pretty hot topic issue lately, and there are so many varying opinions. This article shares the history of tipping, as well as the opinions of multiple staff members at my high school.

This is another installment in my teacher highlight series. This one features the woodshop teacher at my high school, who is a very interesting and humble man. He has great stories, and I wanted people to hear them.


This was my first article I wrote on my school's news website. I enjoy playing video games, so I wrote about how playing video games can actually have many cognitive benefits.

As a writer, the topic for this piece is one I care a lot about. I'm tired of people being scared that AI will one day replace fiction writers. There are so many limitations and reasons that humans are much better writers, which I discuss here.

Here's another technology-related opinion piece, this time about the ways that having easy access to phones and the internet actually make us more social than in the past.

In this article, I talk about why participation awards actually have a lot of negative affects and why we should do away with them.

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