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The Hunger Games #1 Movie Review

As far as movie adaptations of books go, this one was surprisingly really good. I’m just gonna quickly share a few of my thoughts.

I thought the second half of the movie was super fast-paced. I understand why, because they had to fit two thirds of a book into about an hour of footage, but I felt like all the major events were just happening one after another without any breaks. I know that it would be really boring to show Katniss just walking for days or sleeping but it would’ve made the pacing of the second half better.

The gore was not nearly as bad as I was expecting. Most of the descriptions of injuries and wounds were very detailed and gross in the book, but it really wasn’t that bad in the movie.

The movie didn’t spend enough time getting to know Rue, so I feel like someone who only watched the movie wouldn’t have much of an emotional attachment to her and therefore wouldn’t be as sad about her death. Again, it goes back to my previous statement, because it would‘ve been a long scene of not much action if they added all that information about her but I wish it was included.

I didn’t really like the way Peeta’s character was portrayed. I love Peeta so much in the book and I didn‘t feel that way about his movie version. They left out a lot of small things that were some of his best moments.

Thats all of the main thoughts I had.

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