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(SPOILERS) Beyond The Break by Heather Buchta - Review

Book Synopsis: Manhattan Beach native Lovette has two rules in life. One: no surfing. Not after her brother's accident. Two: absolutely, no dating. And going into her junior year of high school, she's pretty happy with that arrangement. She has friends, her church youth group, and God to fall back on when things get dicey. But after Jake Evans walks into her life, following these two simple rules gets a lot more complicated.

Jake is the boy from Lovette's childhood who grew up. Handsome and sweet, he unlocks the part of Lovette that wants nothing more than to surf the waves again. And as their relationship grows, she begins to question what it means to be faithful: to her family, to God, but mostly, to herself.

My Review: 4/5 stars. I discovered this book through and ad on my Instagram and was so happy that there was a modern book with a Christian protagonist. This book was so real and relatable. I often found myself laughing or gasping at things in the book, and I could relate to Lovette’s youth group activities, because they’re similar to mine, and also feeling like you’re putting other things before God, because that’s something that every Christian strugglers with. She sometimes questioned what God was doing in her life, but she ultimately went back to Him and trusted that He had a plan.

What prevents this book from being five stars, however, is how easily Lovette breaks her promise of not kissing until marriage. She goes from nothing to full on make-out sessions that almost lead to more. It also frustrates me that it took her so long to tell her parents about surfing again.

This book is definitely better for teens and older. There are a lot of kissing scenes and a couple times it gets pretty passionate. The book is centered around Lovette's relationship rules so this is a book that parents might want to read along with their child if they're younger to answer questions. There's a tiny bit of language but nothing too vulgar.

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