Book Synopsis:
As Christy blows out the 26 candles on her birthday cake, she closes her eyes and makes a wish.
Could this be the year that she and Todd finally have a baby?
They know that everything will change once they have a child. Are they ready for all the adjustments a new little one would bring? Christy isn’t sure. But as her closest friends announce they are expecting, Christy’s heart carries an ache for a child of her own.
On their way home from Sierra’s wedding, Todd opens up the discussion of adoption and soon a simple invitation turns into a life-changing season. Christy’s patience and understanding are stretched beyond her limits, and she finds herself holding not just one baby in her arms, but two.
Everything Christy and Todd thought about family and hospitality shifts as the two of them dare to make one more wish and believe that God’s timing is flawless.
My Review:
4/5 stars. I liked this the way I like all of the Christy books, but this one just wasn’t as compelling as the previous ones. With the previous Married Years book, I read almost half the book in one day. This book didn't do that for me. The plots weren't as interesting and the pacing felt slower.
Speaking of plots, the adoption plot mentioned in the synopsis didn't really go anywhere. It was brought up, but then wasn't mentioned again except for once or twice towards the end of the book, and even then it wasn't very important. I've noticed that in general with the Christy series - there will something mentioned in the description of the book that ends up not being as big of a deal as you expect.
One thing I didn't like, which was more towards the beginning of the book, was the way the conflicts were resolved. Sometimes the resolutions felt kind of oversimplified with it being "we just have to trust God with our lives" like, yes, of course you do, but you also can work on finding solutions on your own. That part got better and the characters actually did stuff to help their situations later, but it felt like that early on.
I noticed that the grammar seemed a little off in this book, as if it wasn't properly proofread. There were a few times where a sentence was worded confusingly or something was phrased weirdly. It's nitpicky, but it's something I noticed.
Those negative things aside, though, the story was still so wholesome and sweet and realistic. I especially liked the ending and how it leads into the Baby Years series, which I'm going to read next. I also liked the connection at the end to the Glenbrooke series, another RJG series I haven't read yet but plan to eventually. I know there are characters from the Christy series in those books and now they're even more connected.